A PERFECT CIRCLE Commence Work On Sophomore Effort

June 4, 2002

A PERFECT CIRCLE have reportedly finished recording 80 percent of the music for their follow-up to Mer De Noms and hope to issue their sophomore effort in spring 2003, guitarist Troy Van Leeuwen told MTV.

"It's definitely a step up from the last record," Van Leeuwen said. "A PERFECT CIRCLE kind of established its sound, and I think there's just more of that. It's very ethereal and builds up to the heavy thing rather than being heavy all the time."

A PERFECT CIRCLE frontman Maynard James Keenan plans to focus on writing the rest of the vocal melodies and lyrics for APC's second effort as soon as he gets off the road with TOOL later in the year.

Van Leeuwen is currently on the road as a touring guitarist for QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE.

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