A PERFECT CIRCLE's LEEUWEN On Upcoming CD: 'It Keeps Changing'

January 28, 2003

A PERFECT CIRCLE guitarist Troy Van Leeuwen recently spoke to Australia's Undercover News about the band's upcoming sophomore effort, tentatively due later in the year.

"Last I heard, there wasn't any vocals on it," Troy said. "That is another thing that continually evolves as time progresses. It is getting close to be finishing. The vocals are at least being considered. [Singer] Maynard [Keenan] was out with TOOL forever and you can't just jump off the road and into the studio after that long period of time I think anyway."

As for how the new A PERFECT CIRCLE record will sound, Troy isn't sure. "It keeps changing," he said. "Since I have being [playing with] QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE [as the group's second guitarist] a lot of other work has been done on it."
Will the QOTSA activity clash with A PERFECT CIRCLE? "It hasn't happened yet but I am crossing my fingers that I can do both," he said.

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