January 31, 2008

Atlanta-based Christian metal/hardcore act A THOUSAND TIMES REPENT has inked adeal with Tribunal Records. The group's debut EP, "Virtue Has Few Friends", will be released on March 11.

According to a press release, "A THOUSAND TIMES REPENT's credo is fairly simple: Their art is their diary. It's funny how such a small declaration can say so much. Simply put, A THOUSAND TIMES REPENT isn't merely defined by their sound, instead they can better be characterized by their presence; a lasting impression that resonates an unrelenting honesty coupled with a strange sort of healing humility.

"For two years now they've traveled the Southeast (as they call Atlanta their home) leaving their mark in small towns and big cities alike. However more importantly, they've connected with thousands, and have gained life-long friendships in the process. The release of their debut EP, 'Virtue Has Few Friends', navigates the musical spectrum taking the listener from savage, yet inspirational death metal with fierce, unforgiving guitar tones to warm and subtle atmospheric vocals.

"Much more than a traditional deathcore/metal band, A THOUSAND TIMES REPENT disregards the boundaries wedged between brutality and beauty, instead they merge the two without blinking an eye. 'Virtue Has Few Friends' allows this band to wear their hearts on their sleeves and that, my friend, is a beautiful thing."

For more information, visit www.myspace.com/athousandtimesrepent.

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