ACCEPT Bassist PETER BALTES: More Rockfactory Music School Details Surface

April 3, 2006

Joe Schlared of the ACCEPT fan site has issued the following update on the launch of ACCEPT bassist Peter Baltes' music school called the Rockfactory:

"[Baltes'] Rockfactory music school will be located in the Philadelphia, PA area and he will be involved with that full-time. However, you won't have to travel to Philly to get lessons! Peter has been a part of an exciting new way to teach over the Net. This would involve live cam to cam contact between the instructor and student as well as other information on the student's screen such as the sheet music. The plan is also for one to be able to record and save these lessons. I'm not sure when this would begin, but Peter would be looking for some volunteers when he's ready for the testing phase of this project. You can contact me and I'll compile a list or I would assume it's ok to contact him directly through Let me know where you are from as well, because I would imagine he'd be wanting to test this out with people from different parts of the globe."

ACCEPT completed a 25th anniversary tour in 2005 with a touring lineup of original members Udo Dirkschneider (vocals),Wolf Hoffmann and Herman Frank (both on guitar) and Peter Baltes (bass),along with drummer Stefan Schwarzmann.

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