Archive News Nov 09, 2001

November 9, 2001

Former HELLOWEEN vocalist Michael Kiske will make a guest appearance on several tracks on the upcoming album from ex-HELLOWEEN guitarist Roland Grapow and drummer Uli Kusch, it was announced yesterday. Although recent reports indicated that SYMPHONY X vocalist Russell Allen would be absent from the project's recording line-up following Grapow and Kusch's depature from HELLOWEEN, it has now also been confirmed that Allen will in fact be the main featured singer on the forthcoming CD, the drum tracks for which have already been completed under the guidance of producer Andy Sneap (i.e. NEVERMORE, STUCK MOJO, KREATOR). Although a temporary name for the project has apparently been chosen, the band have not yet officially decided on a moniker, and no announcement is expected to be made on this subject for at least several weeks. As it currently stands, here is the line-up of musicians that are scheduled to appear on the upcoming effort:


Russell Allen - vocals

Roland Grapow - guitars

Jürgen Attig - bass

Uli Kusch - drums

Janne Warmen - keyboards

Michael Kiske - guest vocals

The Merry Mayhem tour, featuring OZZY OSBOURNE and ROB ZOMBIE, has cancelled its New Year's Eve date in Phoenix, it was announced yesterday. According to an official statement issued jointly by the OZZY and ZOMBIE camps, “the current climate reflects the public's need to be with their families this holiday season. Both OZZYOSBOURNE and ROB ZOMBIE have the utmost respect for their fans and share in their desire to be with loved ones this New Year's Eve.” Tickets purchased to the December 31st concert will be refunded at the point of purchase. For additional ticket refund information, call Ticketmaster at 480.784.4444 (Phoenix Metro Area) or 520.321.1000 (Outside Phoenix Metro Area).

In an entirely expected move, GUNS N' ROSES have once again canceled their scheduled European headlining tour, but to frontman Axl Rose's credit, they have not used the excuse of the “current political climate” as the reason for the cancellation. Unlike other artists who have pulled out of overseas trips due to their fear of traveling (which has apparently not stopped them from crisscrossing the US repeatedly, but that's another story altogether),it appears that Mr. Rose's greatest fear is actually not being able to complete work on the group's perennially-delayed new CD, entitled Chinese Democracy, which is currently scheduled to be released in…like 2005?!?!? Well, not quite, but you get the picture. Anyway, in an official statement issued by GUNS N' ROSES' European agent yesterday, October 8th, G N' R manager Doug Goldstein appears to be accepting personal blame for the tour's cancellation.


'Following the euphoria of [the band's appearance at the] Rock in Rio [concert], I jumped the gun and arranged a European tour as our plan was to have the new album out this year,' Goldstein is quoted as saying in the release. 'Unfortunately, [guitarist] Buckethead's illness not only stopped the tour, but it slowed down our progress on Chinese Democracy. As a result, touring right now is logistically impossible.


'I am very sorry to disappoint our fans, but I can assure them that this is not what Axl wanted, nor is it 'Another page from the Howard Hughes of rock,' as some media will no doubt portray it. I made a plan, and unfortunately it did not work out.


“The good news is that everyone is ecstatic with the album and we will be meeting with the label to schedule its release, following which we will announce the rescheduled dates to coincide. GUNS N' ROSES look forward to seeing everybody next year, and once again, please accept my apologies for the way this has played out.'


GUNS N' ROSES originally scheduled their European headlining tour for June, but eventually cancelled, citing an unspecified stomach ailment suffered by guitarist Buckethead. The dates were then rebooked for December.

PUDDLE OF MUDD's Wes Scantlin and LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst performed the classic LED ZEPPELIN song 'Thank You' with a special appearance by Jimmy Page (in a performance described by one viewer as “the worst ZEPPELIN cover I've ever heard”) yesterday, November 8th, at the MTV Europe Video Music Awards, which were held in Frankfurt, Germany. Here are the scheduled MTV US airings of the show:



Nov. 12 Premiere @ 8 PM

Nov. 13 @ 12 noon

Nov. 16 @ 5:30 PM

Nov. 17 @ 9 PM

Nov. 18 @ 9 AM



Nov. 10 @ 2 PM and 12 midnight

Nov. 11 @ 7 PM


LIMP BIZKIT took home three awards—for Best Band, Best Website and Best Album (for Chocolate Starfish And The Hotdog Flavored Water). Frontman Durst, talking about their three awards, stated, “This is pretty unbelievable, it feels like a practical joke!” You got that right, Freddie boy…

NEVERMORE have withdrawn from the five-date east coast/midwest tour with OVERKILL, which was scheduled to run from November 25th through December 2nd. Century Media recording artists SCAR CULTURE will remain on the bill. According to an official statement from Century Media, “the members of NEVERMORE are eager to begin work on the highly anticipated follow-up to Dead Heart In A Dead World. On behalf of Warrel Dane, Jim Sheppard, Jeff Loomis, Van Williams, and touring guitarist Curran Murphy, your patience and support is greatly appreciated.”

KORN bassist Reginald “Fieldy” Arvizu's hip-hop solo project, FIELDY'S DREAMS, will release its debut CD, entitled Rock N Roll Gangster, on January 22nd through Epic Records. Fieldy reportedly plays bass, drums, guitar and keyboard on the 17-track LP while KORN singer Jonathan Davis makes a guest appearance on 'Just For Now'. A video for Rock N Roll Gangster's first single, 'Are You Talking to Me', is expected to be shot in Miami with director Simon Brand (JESSICA SIMPSON, RUFF ENDZ).


Here is the full track listing for Rock N Roll Gangster:


01. Cocky

02. Baby Hue Hef

03. Rock N Roll Gangster

04. Are You Talking to Me

05. Just For Now (feat. Jonathan Davis)

06. You Saved Me

07. Munky Rage

08. Put a Weak on It

09. Child Vigilante

10. Korn Gigglebox

11. Sugar Coated

12. Coming From a Friend

13. One Love

14. Ortiz

15. Special K Buzz

16. Bleu

17. Do What You Feel

STONE TEMPLE PILOTS frontman Scott Weiland is scheduled to enter the hospital in late November for a knee operation.

Loads of killer pictures taken at the recent MACHINE HEAD Halloween gig at the Pound in San Francisco—at which they performed a host of covers under the moniker TEN TON HAMMER while dressed as MOTLEY CRUE—can be viewed at this location. Thanks go out to Dirt Junior for the hook-up.

Swedish melodic deathsters SOILWORK are continuing work on their forthcoming CD at Gothenburg, Sweden's Studio Fredman with producers (of STRAPPING YOUNG LAD fame) and Fredrik Nordstrom for an early 2002 release. Photos of the ongoing sessions can be viewed at this location. Movie clips to follow shortly.

DRAGONLORD, the San Francisco Bay Area black metal project that features in its ranks TESTAMENT members Eric Peterson (guitars/vocals),Steve DiGiorgio (bass),Steve Smyth (guitars),and Jon Allen (drums),will make a guest radio appearance on 107.7 The Bone (San Francisco),Metal Zone with Billy Steel, on Friday night, November 9th. You can listen live to the interview at

According to a recent MTV News item, KISS guitarist Ace Frehley will likely be accompanied by some of the same players who take the stage with him at the upcoming World Trade Center benefit concert at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City on November 28th in the studio early next year to assist the axeman with the recording of his fifth solo record, tentatively entitled The Baldest Baby On the Block (his first solo release since 1989's Trouble Walkin'). 'I'm in the process of building a multimedia studio on seven and a half acres in upstate New York,' Frehley said. 'I have three albums worth of material right now in the can, and I plan to record another five or 10 songs once my studio is completed. Then I'm gonna sit down to decide which are the best songs to put out as the next Ace Frehley solo album.' Frehley also stated that “too early” to tell if and when the long-rumored last-ever KISS show will take place. 'If it happens, I don't think it's gonna be 'til the spring,' Frehley said. 'Maybe Shea Stadium, maybe Giants Stadium. Anything's possible, but I'll be there if it happens.'

FASTER PUSSYCAT/NEWLYDEADS/MOTOCHRIST bassist Danny Nordahl will be accompanying L.A. GUNS during the group's December mini-tour and will most likely be recording the new album with them as well. The scheduled dates are as follows:


Dec. 04 – West Hollywood, CA @ Key Club

12/6 – Santa Ana, CA @ Galaxy Theatre

12/22 - San Diego, CA @ TBA

The following is an (almost) unedited version of the letter we received from MAX HAVLOCK (aka John Cyriis),the former frontman of the mid-ྌs Californian melodic speed metal band AGENT STEEL:


“I know you don't seem to post 'anything' I have ever mailed you. It seems obvious you people seem fair to most musicians/bands and always post both sides of almost every issue positive-or-negative--yrt you won't post 1-letter pertaining to me works... So, Just to set the record strait many elements pertaining to past tensions between me and my ex-band members- (i.e. the members of the New AGENT STEEL band--now ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI) have been diluted-and-have taken a positive turn. I have been in contact with [ORDER guitarist] Juan Garcia and relations have entered into a grande reconcilement. I will support them in all their efforts and hope to even do some shows together-in the near future. I consider them extremely dynamic/talented individuals who will receive my complete support.


“Now, what inspires you to compartmentalize-and-isolate me from having the right (as most others) to presence your wonderful news site perplexes me. None of you have ever met me--nor have we ever mailed one another seeking dialog. No fall-outs etc. Yet, you will not post 1-letter regarding my person--let alone my new works. I consider this extremely un-professional--and --outright prejudice, Un-fair, and a grave INJUSTICE! Even SLAYER-whose new CD (God Hates) was given an abominable review on your site got their fair shot at (attempting) to turn around whatever damage may have been caused by that review. YET--I am given not a COLD-DAY-IN-HELL'S CHANCE! &amp--without legitiment basis...other than what may be the oppinions of my NME's (excluding any implications toward the Dynamic AS/ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI band) that seem to constantly presence your site much more so than other bands/musicians. Some, even get to ''speak out'' as if elavated into POPE-like status--SPEAKING AS AUTHORITIES FOR THE ENTIRE METAL/MUSIC COMMUNITY!!! (EXCLUSIVELY).........


“POINT--you do seem to give everyone a fair shot at getting the Rock/Metal word out, that is, except me. NOT FAIR!!!


“So, for what-ever it is worth, here is my last hope to inspire you to act as true journalists--immune from prejudice--and/or-clickish BIASING. Max


[For the record, a Max Havlock newsletter was posted here in its entirety on May 13th click here to view the page in question and scroll to bottom]


TABLET OF THE STELLAR SEED (Official Newsletter phase-1)


Official Max Havlock/STELLAR SEED Up Date:

*22nd day/Latter End of the 10th MONTH/

*Initial sector of the 21st Century/2001

*New Aeon/New Millennium


Due to Underwhelming demand, THE TIME IS AT HAND, for the Notorious Max Havlock to unleash his long overdue UN-anticipated Heavy-Musical workings. Ironically, Havlock's workings are to be unleashed during this pivotal time in the scheme of Cumulative Sinister Human History.


For those who are not yet familiar with Max Havlock, he is the vocalist who fronted the dynamic musicians of the 80's speed-Metal quintet AGENT STEEL.


Max Havlock's first working is the initial spell of what will be manifest as--several Trilogies.




This initial Heavy-Music Trilogy consists of 7-songs presenced within the content of each 3rd. (Each Completed Trilogy will be presenced by 22-songs.) The initial 3rd is titled: 7-LITTLE POWERS. Song Titles within the fabric of 7-Little Powers (part 1-of first Trilogy) are:


01. Cursed By The Denizens Of The Stellar Cult

02. A Maze Of Hexes

03. Magical weapons

04. Trapdoor Of Shadows

05. Pit Of Lunging Cobras (Cumulative Sinister Human History-Part 1)

06. Welcome To The Human Race

07. 7-Little Powers (Soliloquy of The Stellar Cult)

to be continued


part 2 of Trilogy-1 Titled: The Scheme Of Sinister Human History


'The Four Godz Of Man--Stellar Seed' long-overworked Max Havlock comeback song will be available to various radio stations-and-industry personel (exclusively). At the present time---lyrics to 7-Little Powers will not be accessible. However, the complete Soliloquy to the Trilogy will be accessible in precedented time. Those interested should periodically check the STELLAR SEED web site for future disclosure.


Official web site:



San Antonio, TX - Guitarist/composer Ron Jarzombek is currently keeping busy on three different fronts. Recording of the long-awaited SPASTIC INK sophomore release, Ink Compatible, has progressed to its final stages. WATCHTOWER band mate, Jason Mcmaster, who has been tapped to handle lead vocals, has finished tracking 4 songs at an Austin facility, with two more left to go. Drummer/brother Bobby Jarzombek, back from L.A. after recording his parts for the upcoming HALFORD album, will be tackling the last remaining tune, “A Chaotic Realization of Nothing Yet Misunderstood”, in the coming weeks.


In addition, Ron Jarzombek has been working on a follow-up to PHHHP!, a self-released collection of bizarre guitar recordings whose origins pre-date SPASTIC INK. In true Jarzombek fashion, the forthcoming CD, due out sometime next year on EclecticElectric, promises to be as unconventional as anything ever committed to tape by the guitarist. 'I think I've settled on 47 songs/titles. The shortest 'song' is 4 seconds, the longest is 2:05. I'm using seconds to figure out how much more I have to write before I start arranging. I'm up to 1250, so I've got roughly 20 minutes. I'm going to start arranging at about 2000...' Song titles include 'A Headache And A Sixty Fourth', 'Grizzly Bears Don't Fly Airplanes', 'I've Got The Runs', 'Battle Of The Hands', 'Sabbatic Chromatic', and 'The Yum-Yum Tree'.”


On the WATCHTOWER front, the legendary quartet have finished writing all of the music for Mathematics, the long-dormant follow-up to the band's 1989 classic, Control &amp Resistance. Jarzombek has tracked the guitars to 4 songs, a proposed demo recording the band may or may not shop to interested labels, with bassist Doug Keyser and drummer Rick Colaluca working on their respective tracks as we speak.


Also on the way is an “unreleased demos” CD on Monster Records, a “from-the-vault” release set to include unheard recordings from “the B.O.S.S. tapes”, the pre-C&ampR demos that got the band their deal with Noise, as well as unreleased material from before Energetic Disassembly, the legendary debut with original guitarist Billy White, was even a concept or title. The CD will come with lyrics, liner notes, and rare photos from the band's personal collections.

BRAD, led by PEARL JAM guitarist Stone Gossard, will kick off a five-date west coast tour on November 26th at the Roseland Theatre in Portland, then head further south for three California dates before wrapping up in Seattle at the Showbox Theatre on December 2nd. The details are as follows:


Nov. 26 - Roseland Theatre - Portland, OR

Nov. 28 - Viper Room - West Hollywood, CA

Nov. 29 – Troubadour - Los Angeles, CA

Nov. 30 - Great American Music Hall - San Francisco, CA

Dec. 02 - Showbox Theatre - Seattle, WA

Poland's death metal prodigies DECAPITATED have completed the recording of Nihility, the much-anticipated follow-up to their 1999 Earache/Wicked World debut, Winds of Creation. US and European release is set for early 2002. Here is a report from the UK office of Earache Records: 'The hottest new Death Metal band on the planet have completed their second album, and what a storming record it is! Titled Nihility, the recording sees DECAPITATED reach a new found maturity and should see them establish themselves in the Death Metal Premier League. Make no mistake, this is up there with the very best DM releases of recent years - DECAPITATED have honed their style into one that doesn't borrow from the competition, it buries them! Relying on a varied use of tempo, and intricately layered use of guitars, Nihility twists and turns from start to finish, and resolutely avoids comparisons with any contemporaries. The precise nature of the musicianship at times defies logic - the obvious enthusiasm and respect they have for the Death Metal genre only serves to make Nihility more convincing - this is genuine Death Metal played from the heart. If you were one of the many who enjoyed Winds of Creation, prepare yourself for a simply breathtaking record which no real Death Metal fan can afford to miss!'


The full track listing for Nihility is as follows:


01. Perfect Dehumanisation (The Answer?)

02. Eternity Too Short

03. Mother War

04. Nihility (Anti-Human Manifesto)

05. Names

06. Spheres of Madness

07. Babylon's Pride

08. Symmetry of Zero

Sweden's classic death metallers INSISION have finished recording their debut album for Earache/Wicked World in Berno Studios, Sweden... the same legendary studio where THE HAUNTED recorded The Haunted Made Me Do It. Entitled Beneath the Folds of Flesh, the album is set for US release in spring 2002. Produced by Berno Paulson and Johan Axelsson (DERANGED axemeister),Beneath the Folds of Flesh contains nine tracks of sadistic death metal, free of the typical Swedish melodic tendencies.


The track listing for Beneath the Folds of Flesh is as follows:


01. World Impaled

02. Trapped Within

03. Sado God

04. Temple of Flesh

05. Rewind into Chaos

06. Impamiiz Graa

07. He's My Fever

08. Before My Altar

09. Ex Oblivion


The album's release will be followed by a bunch of shows, plans of which will be announced shortly. For more information on INSISION, go to:

Nevada's metalcore mathematicians DECEMBER have just finished recording their debut album with Devin Townsend (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD) in the producer's chair. Entitled The Lament Configuration, the album is set to be released this winter through Earache Records.

Italy's progressive black metallers EPHEL DUATH have completed the recording of their Earache/Elitist debut, Rephormula. EPHEL DUATH is the first band to be signed to Earache with the help of A&ampR mastermind Lee Barrett and his company, Elitist Records. US release is set for early 2002.

Earache and Elitist Records (British A&ampR mastermind Lee Barrett's company) are proud to announce their newest signing, Russian avant-garde black metallers RAKOTH. The band has signed a four-album deal and begins work on a brand new, as yet untitled, album in the New Year. The band is a firmly established name on the underground after two successful albums on Italian label Code666 - including the immense Planeshift album which received an unprecedented 100/100 in Dutch Aardshock magazine in 2000.

The Italian pop-core crushers LINEA 77 are embarking on a winter tour though Italy to promote their new video for 'Moka' from their critically-acclaimed album Ketchup Suicide. The dates are as follows:


Nov. 23 - Valenza Po (Al),ITA @ Onda Su Onda

Nov. 30 - Milano, ITA @ Transilvania

Dec. 01 - Misano Adriatico, ITA @ Kantiere

Dec. 08 - Gualtieri (Re) , ITA @ Tempo Rock

Dec. 13 - Roma, ITA @ TBA

Dec. 14 - Castelfranco (Pisa) , ITA @ Totem

Dec. 15 - Montereale V. (Pn) , ITA @ Velvet Rock Club

Dec. 21 - Orzinuovi (Bs) , ITA @ Buddha Cafè

Dec. 22 - Ferrara, ITA @ Zoo

Polish masters LUX OCCULTA are preparing for their first national tour after the domestic release of their new album, The Mother and the Enemy. During the month of November 2001 the band will perform nine shows in some of the biggest cities in Poland as the support act for the Brazilian death metal act KRISIUN, and will share the stage along with other acts such as VADER, BEHEMOTH, HATE, SCEPTIC, ESQARIAL and BELFEGOR.

GOD FORBID have turned down a jaunt across mainland Europe in favor of a quick and lengthy return to the UK where they have headline shows along with a couple of guest appearances with EARTHTONE 9. This move comes as a shock as they were only just confirmed as openers for OPETH and KATATONIA but the band feel this is the right move. Drummer Corey Pierce made it sound perfectly plausible: 'I hope people aren't going to be pissed at us for this change in plans but it was something the whole band felt we should do if we were to progress and try to forge an identity of our own. Hopefully OPETH and KATATONIA will understand why we turned down this great opportunity. I'm sure they will as the guys were like brothers to us when we toured together in the States earlier this year and I know they specifically wanted GOD FORBID on that tour but when we thought about it, it didn't seem right somehow. I'm really glad that NOVEMBRE were free to do the whole tour as they'll fit in real well and it also means we're not leaving anyone with a problem.


'When the news of the headline shows came through we decided to take the risk and just concentrate on coming over as GOD FORBID and not some band on a big package. We were absolutely blown away by the response we got when we toured here with STAMPIN' GROUND and we couldn't get back here fast enough. We learned a lot from the STAMPIN' guys about how to make tours work without all the bullsh.t. No rock star sh.t and expenses coming out your ass but packed headlining shows all over the UK. We saw something there and picked up on it. Our only regret is that there's no Irish shows booked so far. There were two on the OPETH tour and everyone keeps telling us how crazy it is over there. Maybe there's still time to get something sorted out, if not then sorry but this won't be our last time over here. Playing with EARTHTONE 9 will be a blast too, there's a buzz about them back in New York and we're looking forward to seeing for ourselves what all the fuss is about, and it gets us in the face of yet another new audience.'


GOD FORBID support EARTHTONE 9 in the UK at the following dates:


Dec. 09 – Glasgow, UK @ 13th Note

Dec. 10 - Edinburgh, UK @ Venue

Dec. 11 - London, UK @ Mean Fiddler (LA2)

Dec. 12 - Newcastle, UK @ Trillians

Dec. 13 - Nottingham, UK @ Old Angel

Dec. 14 - Cardiff, UK @ Gretsky Bar

Dec. 15 - Oxford, UK @ Zodiac

Dec. 16 - Bristol, UK @ Fleece &amp Firkin

Mirai from Japanese avantgarde metal outfit SIGH will be collaborating with PANTERA vocalist Philip Anselmo and NECROPHAGIA frontman Killjoy on a project by the name of ENOCH. According to Mirai, “the music is not really metal at all, it's totally synth and sample-orientated stuff in the vein of horror movie soundtracks. I think you can imagine how it sounds from the synth parts on the latest SIGH record, ImaginarySonicscape. Phil and Killjoy will add the voice effects and guitars etc on top of my synth works. I am sure it will be really scary stuff. I've already finished recording my parts for the debut album Graveyard Disturbances and hopefully I will go to the USA to finish up with them before the end of this year.' You can check out the cover art for the ENOCH project at this location.

Germany's FLOWING TEARS have finished recording their follow-up album to the acclaimed Jade. Entitled Serpentine, the new album was produced by GRIP INC. guitarist Waldemar Sorychta at Woodhouse Studios in Hagen, Germany. The full track listing for the effort is as follows:


01. Intro

02. Starfish Ride

03. Serpentine

04. Children Of The Sun

05. The Marching Sane

06. Breach

07. Portsall (Departure Song)

08. Justine

09. The Carnage People

10. Merlin

11. Cupid Of The Carrion Kind

12. For Tonight


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