BLIND GUARDIAN: 'Live' Outtakes Posted Online
June 5, 2003BLIND GUARDIAN have posted an album's worth of live outtakes from various shows recorded for their recently-released live album, simply entitled "Live".
The band issued the following statement announcing their decision to make the recordings available to the public:
"As most of you probably know, for the release of 'Live' there was going to be a special third CD with outtakes from various shows. Unfortunately it wasn't possible to include this CD with the normal release of the double CD set. Therefore the band has decided to make this material available for download via the Internet.
"Since the quality of this material is lower than that of the official CD release it has been decided to release it here in mp3 format. Two formats are available: 128kbps and 256kbps encodes. The whole 52-minute CD is included in one mp3 file so as to preserve the running order and to make sure people listen to it in the way BLIND GUARDIAN has intended. The 128kbps encode is roughly 50MB large and the 256kbps 100MB."
For more information, click here.