DISTURBED Looking At Ways To Promote Next Album

January 28, 2008

The Pulse of Radio reports that DISTURBED is looking at a late May release for its fourth studio album, titled "Indestructible". A single is likely to surface at radio stations sometime in March, although the song itself has yet to be finalized. The group is reportedly working on a number of promotional ideas to support the record. Singer David Draiman, a strong proponent of making music a purely digital product, told The Pulse of Radio that the band will nevertheless add a lot of extra features to the CD. "I definitely am all for any record companies being as aggressive as they can about moving towards just completely digital-based media," he said. "But we will continue to try and do things, and we're still going to do things this record cycle as well, to try and make it where there's a reason to buy it that's beyond what we're doing just musically."

DISTURBED is unofficially confirmed to be touring this summer on the Rockstar Mayhem tour, along with SLIPKNOT and a number of other yet-to-be-announced acts.

The group may also play some smaller shows in the spring, including a special overseas event.

Draiman recently said that "Indestructible" will be a heavier, angrier, more aggressive record than either 2005's "Ten Thousand Fists" or 2002's "Believe".

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