FILTER Frontman Explains Meaning Behind Title Of Forthcoming CD
March 9, 2002FILTER frontman Richard Patrick recently elaborated on his explanation for why he selected The Amalgamut as the title of the group's forthcoming studio CD, due through Reprise Records in July. According to Patrick, I called the record The Amalgamut because I took a trip across the country and started to realize that everything in America is somewhat different, but very similar at the same time. I realize that if you go down south, people talk with a Midwestern accent, if you go to the west, people talk like they're from the east. What I'm trying to say is America is truly becoming the land that is a melting pot, and within this melting pot there is an immense amount of diversity. We put a man on the moon a year after I was born, we are the country that you are allowed to do and say whatever the fuck you want to, as long you don't kill someone. The Amalgamut is a celebration of this freedom, there is no such thing as 'where are you from' in this country. Your ancestors could be Irish, Polish, Jewish, Native American, you can have that culture, but ultimately you're an Amalgamut. Whenever anyone asks me what my heritage is, I could say I am Native American, Irish, Spanish, German, Italian, but instead I proudly say I am a 13th generation American.
Be an individual in this country and realize that since the Revolutionary War, The Civil War, World War I, World War II, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and The War on Terror, thousands and thousands and thousands, maybe millions of men, have died for that freedom. This record is about going out there and being free, because the ideology of freedom isn't just in America, it's in England, it's in France, it's in Italy, it's in Germany, it's in Japan, it's in Canada, it's in Australia, and it's in many other countries. So please go out there and live your lives and remember that you're all free and that we're all Amalgamuts.