March 31, 2009

Rome, Italy-based death metal band FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE has parted ways with drummer Francesco Struglia. Bassist/vocalist Paolo Rossi states, "Considering how important the presence of a stable drummer is instead of a just having one for sessions, we decided during the last month to move on and give a new shape to the band. Since Francesco Paoli handled the arrangement of all drum parts and I wrote all the lyrics for the album 'Oracles', the best thing it seemed to do was start on playing what each one of us did for the album. This new recording lineup is the result:

Paolo Rossi: Vocals, Bass
Cristiano Trionfera: Rhythm, Lead Guitar
Francesco Paoli: Drums, Rhythm Guitar, Backing Vocals

"At the same time, we welcome the new forces of Tommaso Riccardi who will go to the trouble of playing live guitar for us. He's a good friend and a great musician; his skills will support us in shredding everything, everywhere!"

FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE recently inked a deal with Willowtip Records.

"Oracles" was recorded in May 2008 at 16th Cellar Studio.

Featuring current members of HOUR OF PENANCE, FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE plays death metal with a "classical" approach; inspired by CANNIBAL CORPSE and SUFFOCATION, and infuenced by J.S. Bach and L. Van Beethoven.

For more information, visit www.myspace.com/fleshgodapocalypse.

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