Former FAITH NO MORE Singer CHUCK MOSLEY Suspected To Have Died Of Heroin Overdose

November 14, 2017

According to TMZ, former FAITH NO MORE singer Chuck Mosley is suspected to have died of a heroin overdose after syringes were found next to his body.

Mosley's body was found last Thursday (November 9) by a friend and his longtime partner, Pip Logan, in their Cleveland home. Logan told the police she last saw Chuck earlier that day around 11 a.m. She and the friend returned just before 8 p.m. to find Mosley's lifeless body on the living room floor.

Cleveland police say they found two syringes, a baggie and a spoon with residue by Chuck's body.

The singer's family issued a statement saying that Mosley "lost his lifeā€¦ due to the disease of addiction."

An official toxicology report could take weeks.

Mosley sang on FAITH NO MORE's first two albums, 1985's "We Care A Lot" and 1987's "Introduce Yourself". He was fired from the band and replaced by Mike Patton, who remains the group's singer to this day.

After he was fired from FAITH NO MORE, Mosley sued his former bandmates over ownership rights and they eventually settled out of court. Years later, he reconciled with FAITH NO MORE, reuniting with them onstage in 2010 and making further live appearances with the group in 2015 and 2016.

Following his initial departure from FAITH NO MORE, Mosley briefly fronted BAD BRAINS and launched a series of solo projects, including the funk metal band CEMENT.

FAITH NO MORE issued a statement in which the bandmembers described Mosley as "a reckless and caterwauling force of energy who delivered with conviction and helped set us on a track of uniqueness and originality that would not have developed the way it had had he not been a part."

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