Guitarist OLE BORUD Explains Decision To Leave EXTOL

May 24, 2004

Ole Borud, half of the guitarist duo that announced its departure from Norwegian progressive thrash/death metallers EXTOL last week, has issued a statement via the group's web site explaining his decision to leave the band. It reads as follows:

"First of all, I would like to say that it’s been a privilege to be in EXTOL. All of the guys are really fantastic people with a clear focus, both musically and spiritually, and I will remember the extol era of my life as a very good one. Here’s the deal: EXTOL as a band wants to take things to a higher level than before when it comes to putting an effort into the band, which demands more time basically. This is a very cool thought indeed, but the truth is I do not feel it would be right for me to do this. I just wouldn’t have the ability to spend that much time on the band, mainly due to other musical priorities. And of course, this also has to do with what I feel is God's plan for my life now. Having said that, it is really important for me to point out that I am not leaving because of any bad feelings or anything like that, nor did I grow tired of the music. They're all some of my closest friends, and I know I will treasure the friendship we have for the rest of my life. Also, thanks to all of you guys we have seen on the road and all of you who support EXTOL, we appreciate you! Keep up the good work in the future aswell! And again, I am proud to have been a member of such a fine act as EXTOL was, is and will always be. God bless y'all."

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