JAMES MURPHY Speaks Out On Passing Of Former DEATH Bandmate
October 3, 2002Former TESTAMENT/DEATH guitarist James Murphy, who is presently receiving treatment for a brain tumor with which he was diagnosed last year, recently spoke to Bloodcifery.com about the passing of DEATH mastermind Chuck Schuldiner and his memories from the time they spent playing together.
"When I remember Chuck I always think of the good time, the first 6 months," Murphy said. "During this period we were like best friends, not just bandmates. I spent a couple nights a week at his home since we practiced in his town and I lived an hour and a half away. After practices we would always go eat together, go to movies, go record shopping, go out to find girls, and pretty much everything else that friends do when they hang out. This is how I like to remember Chuck. Of course, we had a bad period, which led to me leaving the band. It is pointless to go into the reasons and details since Chuck can not comment on his side of what happened, and it would be even more pointless since Chuck and I had began talking and made friends again in 1999. The hatchet was buried, so to speak, and the slate was clean. I regret that we did not re-connect again a lot sooner than we did. The news of his passing made me very sad, and it hit me at a very bad time, when I was still in the first stages of recovery from my surgery."
To read the entire interview, click here.