L.A. GUNS Frontman: 'Tales From The Strip' Was A Demo For Us To Take Around To Record Companies

February 5, 2006

Tracey L. of GlamMetal.com recently conducted an interview with L.A. GUNS frontman Phil Lewis. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

GlamMetal.com: In a recent interview GlamMetal.com came across, you stated that you weren't 100% happy with the outcome of the [new] record ["Tales from the Strip"] due to the fact that you felt "rushed" in the studio. Is this true?

Phil: "Well, yeah. I mean, ya know, I guess that's a typical artist's dilemma, 'cause ya know, you never really truly finish something. This was such a rush job. We had a month to record and mix it, so basically by the time it came to mixing we had to do two songs a day, which is crazy. Some of the songs suffered for it, um…because of the lack of time; 'Crazy Motorcycle', definitely. I was really, really trying to get a MINISTRY thing goin' there, with the 'Jesus Built My Hot Rod', ya know? Just that one song, it took them like six months to do that song, so, ya know, I felt that it was a bit of a pity. But overall I'm real pleased with it, and I'm absolutely delighted with the reaction. Very, very few people have said anything negative about it."

GlamMetal.com: That's great! You also mentioned that you‘re not interested in putting out another L.A. GUNS album until you're signed to a major label, is that the case?

Phil: "Not necessarily a major label, but a label that is gonna be a little more… um…. I don't wanna offend Mike Varney [head of Shrapnel Records], because he's a good guy and gave us the opportunity — well, a couple of opportunities to put records out. I just would like to have a release with a company that's got a little bit more power, I guess, in the industry. A company that maybe has its own publicity department, marketing department. It doesn't have to be a huge company. Like Spitfire would be great, Sanctuary would be great. I just don't want to waste another record. I don't think of 'Tales' as being a waste. I think of it as being a demo. I think it's a great demo for us to take around to potential companies and show them what we can do. I just don't think we need two demos. I think one demo record is fine. Once again, Mike Varney has been reeeally cool, the deal's on the table. We can go and record anytime, but I don't want to."

GlamMetal.com: What are your thoughts regarding [Tracii Guns, ex-L.A. GUNS guitarist] joining QUIET RIOT and are you surprised it only lasted through one rehearsal?

Phil: "I think that they all needed just to chill out a bit, and play a couple of band practices before they started making these global announcements. Especially Tracii now, because he's in such a precarious position, it doesn't do him any favors at all. I was out doing a thing with my little side project with Keri Kelli, Robbie Crane and Bobby Blotzer, called ANGEL CITY OUTLAWS. We were playing at the beginning of December when I heard about it. The consensus was it was a bit of a joke, and it probably wouldn't last very long. We didn't expect it to last this short amount of time! (laughs). I wish Tracii the best, I really do. He's a good musician and he deserves better. I'm not sure that QUIET RIOT was the best thing for him. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise.'

GlamMetal.com: (Jokingly) Maybe he could hook up with Axl Rose somewhere down the road?

Phil: "He tried that. Axl laughed at him. He wrote an e-mail to Axl. Axl's assistant wrote back and said 'Thanks… Axl thanks you for giving him a good laugh and you're out.' Ya know, that's gotta hurt."

GlamMetal.com: Did you ever have any interaction with Axl back in the day?

Phil: "Yeah, way back when I first joined the band in ‘86 and ‘87 we did some local shows. He'd come, hang out, get on stage and sing ZEPPELIN songs with me. It was really nice, but the thing was, both of the band's records came out at the same time. Both successful records, so we weren't really in L.A. at the same time. We'd be on tour. They'd be on tour. There really wasn't a chance to form any kind of friendship. We were gone. They all seemed like good guys though."

Read the entire interview at www.glam-metal.com.

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