LAMB OF GOD, DIMMU BORGIR To Team Up For 'Defenders Of The Faith 2' UK Tour

September 22, 2008

Following on from last year's hugely successful Defenders Of The Faith UK tour, Defenders Of The Faith 2 will be co-headlined by metal giants LAMB OF GOD and DIMMU BORGIR. They will be joined by another very special guest, with U.S. up-and-coming metallers FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH opening the bill.

Tickets for this feast of pure metal will go on sale from all of the usual outlets at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, September 26 but you can get your tickets before anyone else from Wednesday morning in the Metal Hammer pre-sale.

Tickets will be available ONLY from from 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 14. They will be exclusively on sale from the Metal Hammer site until going on general sale at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, September 26. They will then be available from all usual ticket outlets.

The dates for Defenders Of The Faith 2 are:

Feb. 11 – Bristol, UK @ Academy
Feb. 12 - Birmingham, UK @ Academy
Feb. 13 - Manchester, UK @ Academy
Feb. 14 - Brixton, UK @ Academy
Feb. 15 - Glasgow, UK @ Academy

Metal Hammer editor Alexander Milas had this to say: "Metal Hammer is proud to see the another crusading Defenders Of The Faith line up take shape on the back of last year's roaring success. We always knew we wanted a heavy lineup, but putting LAMB OF GOD's red blooded riff-fu up against DIMMU BORGIR's black metal from darkest Norway? Brace yourselves."

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