LAMB OF GOD Singer: 'People Are Ready For Angrier Music'

September 9, 2004

LAMB OF GOD singer Randy Blythe spoke to Canada's Chart Attack last week about their new album "Ashes of the Wake" (Epic),the quick follow-up to 2003's critically acclaimed record "As the Palaces Burn" (Prosthetic).

"People are ready for angrier music," he said. "Nu-metal sucks, so that's why that's dying off. And I think with the socio-political and economic climate of the States, which of course affects the rest of the world — even Canada — people are ready for angrier music. I think people are ready for something that's real, not, you know, 'I did it all for the Nookie.'"

Blythe also recounted a recent gig that proved that the real freaks listen to LAMB OF GOD.

"We were in Arizona a few shows ago," he said. "We're playing and there's this guy with his arm around Mark [Morton, guitar] and he's jumping up and down and Mark is trying to play, looking very pissed off. So I'm like, 'I gotta get this kid off of him before Mark smashes him with his guitar and we get a lawsuit.' So I go charging across the stage and as I get closer to the kid I realized he only has one leg and he's hopping up and down on his foot. Not only that, his colostomy bag is hanging down, flopping all on the stage. So I immediately stepped on the brakes, trying not to tackle him and not to step on the colostomy bag at the same time because it would have been fucking disgusting."

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