MEGADETH's DROVER Brothers Begin Mixing New EIDOLON Album
December 29, 2005MEGADETH/EIDOLON guitarist Glen Drover has posted the following message on the EIDOLON web site:
"Shawn [Drover, MEGADETH/EIDOLON drummer] will be arriving in Toronto today (December 26th) to start the mixing and mastering (after we all do some family time) of the long-overdue EIDOLON album — 'The Parallel Otherworld'. The album should be 100% finished by the 11th of January.
"We are all so excited now about this album, as things are shaping up so well! The sound of this album is blowing my mind!! This will be the tightest production we have ever had!!
"Nils [K. Rue, vocals; also in PAGAN'S MIND] has done an incredible job in the vocal dept., as well as all the guest guitar players we have playing on the album, including Robert Macdonald, Mike Romeo, Kim Mitchell and, of course, both Hank [Shermann] and Michael [Denner] from MERCYFUL FATE [and] FORCE OF EVIL. We may have 2 more to add to this list. I will let you know how things progress with that, in time....
"Speaking of solos, I still have to do all of mine, believe it or not. A little late in the game, but i injured my middle finger on my left hand, which has prevented me from playing the last week or so. No biggy, I love doing last-minute stuff anyway!"