MINISTRY Is Already Working On Follow-Up To 'AmeriKKKant', Says AL JOURGENSEN

October 12, 2018

Al Jourgensen has confirmed to Billboard that MINISTRY has already commenced work on the follow-up to "AmeriKKKant", which came out in March. "I have to get as many albums as I can done while Trump is still president," Al explained. "And then what am I going to do: write those crappy albums that I write while Democrats are president?

Speaking about the lyrical themes that fans can expect to see on MINISTRY's next record, Jourgensen said: "The last album was not an anti-Trump album, it was like the 'how we got here' album. It kind of touched on what I was talking about with the [self-titled SURGICAL METH MACHINE] album, how society has changed so drastically since social media because ubiquitous. And in a 'Black Mirror', Charlie Brooker kind of way, examining the ramifications and permutations of what that entails. Trump is the perfect byproduct of the society we've created…"

He continued: "Society is really changing, but I do actually see hope, in a very cautious way, the same way I saw hope back in the late '60s when I was first really becoming aware of politics and the way society works… I just hope we don't make the same mistakes that turned a social movement into the latest fashion trend. If you look back on the '60s, we made some nominal civil rights and gender rights gains, but generally what we have to show for it is LSD and bell-bottoms and Woodstock. I'm hoping we go a little bit further this time. And I do see the new album touching on topics like that."

Asked if MINISTRY's next album will follow in "a similar direction" to the three albums condemning the Bush administration — "Houses Of The Molé", "Rio Grande Blood" and "The Last Sucker"Al said: "Three albums of bashing Bush… although the last one was almost like, I felt sorry for the guy as much as I felt sorry for us for having to deal with the guy. 'The Last Sucker' was, like, 'We're all suckers in this.' 'AmeriKKKant' wasn't completely anti-Trump. It was how we got to Trump, and I think this next album is going to be much more of a positive message of 'How do we get out of Trump and keep it that way?' So I'm thinking about this in a structural sense. As far as musically, the stuff that I've been working on lately is far more PORTISHEAD than MOTÖRHEAD. [Laughs] We're getting a lot more into electronics again and scratching, as opposed to three chords and a cloud of dust and shouting as loud as you can through blown-out speakers. That's certainly served its purpose for me for a while, but I think we're getting into more heady material."

"AmeriKKKa" was produced by Jourgensen and was recorded at Caribou Studios in Burbank, California. The artwork was created by Mister Sam Shearon.

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