OZZY And SHARON OSBOURNE Discuss Son's Battle With Multiple Sclerosis (Video)

October 27, 2014

On Sunday, October 26, Eric Blair of "The Blairing Out With Eric Blair Show" conducted an interview with Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne on the red carpet at an evening of art with Billy Morrison and Joey Feldman benefiting the Rock Against MS foundation at Village Studios in Los Angeles, California. You can watch the chat below.

Asked how their son Jack is handling everyday life two years after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Ozzy said: "We were more afraid than anybody He just gets on with it. He just accepts it. He didn't go, 'Oh my God! This is the end.' It must have affected him, but he seems to be handling it really, really well. Sharon and I were freaked out."

Regarding how they came to terms with the fact that Jack is suffering from multiple sclerosis and what actions they took to deal with it, Sharon said: "I don't think you ever come to terms with it, but the actions that we did was to educate ourselves about it, 'cause we knew very little about it. And people still know very little about it. So it's about keeping yourselves educated and just keep plugging towards a diagnosis, first of all, of how people get it. 'Cause nobody knows how you get it. And the other thing is a cure."

She added: "I mean, listen, twenty years ago, there was no medication. Now there's around nine to ten medications for MS. Twenty years ago, there was none. So let's hope in twenty years, again, there'll be a cure and people will find out how and why you get it."

MS affects the central nervous system and can cause problems with muscle control and strength, vision, balance, feeling, and thinking. The disease affects people differently in each case, with some people having only minor problems, while others become seriously disabled.

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