SLIPKNOT's CRAIG JONES To Sit Out Part Of European Tour

September 26, 2004

SLIPKNOT's "samples and media" guy, Craig Jones #133 (a.k.a. #5),has been forced to sit out the early portion of the group's current European tour due to a "medical emergency." The band's official statement on the matter reads as follows:

"We've made it thru 10 years without a member of SLIPKNOT missing a single show, but due to emergency medical reasons one of our brothers has been forced to return to Des Moines, IA.

"Craig Jones #133 ( #5),has been suffering incredible pain during the first week of our European tour and has been unable to eat or sleep properly. Therefore, a decision was made for him to return to the States for emergency dental surgery.

"We made a band decision to continue the tour without Craig and to not let our European fans and friends down. The shows and fans, on this tour, have been some of the most insane of our career and we look forward to that each night.

"We expect to have 133 rejoin the tour within the next 3-4 weeks, but until that time Sid Wilson will be handling the majority of his parts.

"We'll miss him on and off stage and wish him the best and a safe return."


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