SOULFLY Drummer DAVID KINKADE To Play His Final Show In Bangkok
October 17, 2012Drummer David Kinkade (formerly of BORKNAGAR, ARSIS and MALEVOLENT CREATION) will play his final show as a member of SOULFLY on October 23 at the Hollywood Awards in Bangkok, Thailand.
In a series of postings on his Facebook page, Kinkade stated about his decision to leave the band: "I decided two months ago that music is no longer worth the effort to me anymore. After this, I'm going to retire from drumming and music all together and focus on my family rather than myself.
"I've fought my hardest for 'my dream' in music over the past 10 years and failed. [Playing with BORKNAGAR in] Norway was the pinnacle of mistakes and I'll never let myself off the hook for it. I moved across the world for music, spent hundreds of thousands of $$$ and in the end I ended up digging myself into a deeper hole than before. I'm still trying to recover from that fuck-up.
"The only bit of light that my career ever saw was in the end, I was able to make a record and play some huge shows with a guy [SOULFLY/ex-SEPULTURA frontman Max Cavalera] whose music I grew up idolizing. Thats good enough for me."
He added, "I've always been an all-or-nothing kinda guy. I could never be the guy loading bags onto the plane, I'd have to be the pilot.
"I'm thankful for the real friends I've made, which are very few and far between, trust me, and, of course, the good experiences, but it's time.
"Music doesn't have a 401K plan, insurance, anything that I can count on in the end to support my family, and that scares me. I can't just crawl back to my mom's couch anymore if I drop the ball. I have people depending on me to provide, so I'd rather not be selfish anymore and focus on the real rather than a dream.
"A bunch of you say I'll miss it and I'll be back. You don't understand that this whole business has ruined any sort of want or will for me to continue on. I've done it and it's not glamorous or anything that anyone seems to think it is.
"I'm not a rock star or anything near it. So what if I was the drummer of SOULFLY and played huge festivals. I'm a hired gun and always have been just a hired gun... I'm just a hired gun who was luckier than most to have worked my way up the food chain a bit further than others. The fact is that I've tasted it all now and want nothing to do with the entire dish anymore.
"I don't enjoy playing drums anymore, shows or anything to do with it. I just want to be home with my family. My fiancée, the kids, my Mom, Grandpa. Those are the only people who mean something to me.
"I'm only here finishing the tour because I don't want to fuck anyone over. I have no desire to sit on a plane for 12 hours to Malaysia and trek around Asia for the next week dragging gear all over. I'd rather be at home fixing Mom's Malibu Lights LOL. I'm just thankful that I made the decision at 29 rather than 39.
"I'm done."
Kinkade's final shows with SOULFLY:
Oct. 20 - Rockaway 2012 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Oct. 21 - Lampangan D Senayan - Jakarta, Indonesia
Oct. 23 - Hollywood Awards - Huai Khwaeng, Thailand
Kinkade joined SOULFLY prior to the recording sessions for the band's eighth album, "Enslaved", which was released in March via Roadrunner Records.