STATIC-X Frontman To Release Solo Debut In October

August 4, 2011

STATIC-X frontman Wayne Static will release with his first solo album, "Pighammer", on October 4 via Dirthouse Records.

According to a press release, "Pighammer" "has a disarming raw quality of heavy driving guitar riffs and lyrics that will take hold of your bowels and into the mind of Static's dark past and warped mind. This is blatant, as the first single, 'Assassins Of Youth', was inspired by Wayne Static's last days of drugs and partying.

"I wrote this song while living in a hotel room, listening to PINK FLOYD, drinking Crown and doing whippits," explains Static. "I started the song in that condition but never finished it until years later after dumping off the drugs. Now the song has a whole new meaning from when I started it."

"Assassins Of Youth" is an old-school term for drugs. The first verse is about doing drugs, the chorus is going dry and the second chorus is about getting off and no longer being slave to the drugs.

With Static's transformation, his mind has creatively twisted to a side that he has waited to unleash.

"The 'Pighammer' concept conjures up bizarre images," Static explains. "It's about a mad plastic surgeon, with a pig fetish, that likes to convert hot chicks into pigs. It is the total opposite if what a plastic surgeon would do. He has this crazy hammer device made from a pig foot. The images of the surgery in the CD package are only a dark comedic visualization of the real theme of the album, which is my transformation."

"Pighammer" is the bastard child of Wayne Static's transformation after a 12-year journey of metal annihilation.

"It's hard to believe that it's 12 years since the release of [STATIC-X's debut album] 'Wisconsin Death Trip', and now my warped musical lunacy will take me down a new path of metal destruction. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the upcoming fall tour."

"Pighammer" track listing:

01. Pighammer
02. Around The Turn
03. Assassins Of Youth
04. Thunder Invader
05. Static Killer
06. She
07. Get It Together
08. Chrome Nation
09. Shifter
10. Slave
11. The Creatures Are Everywhere
12. Behind The Sky

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