STATIC-X Guitarist Comments On New Album
August 9, 2003STATIC-X guitarist Tripp Eisen commented in a recent online posting on the group's forthcoming third album, "Shadow Zone", due on October 7 through Warner Bros Records.
"All of us worked hard on the album and we are anxious to get it out!" he said. "We experimented on some cool things and got to mess around with some really heavy grooves. Lots of different collaborative efforts. We began writing the album back on tour, and jammed the first few songs in March 2002. So this album has been over a year in the making. [Bassist] Tony [Campos] is brilliant at coming up with things on-the-spot and has great vocal ideas, cool grooves on the bass that drive songs in different directions. [Frontman] Wayne [Static] has an incredible melodic sense, great lyrics and so proficient at programming and arranging."
When asked if he would ever return to the MUDERDOLLS if he had a chance to (Tripp left the group last year in order to focus on the songwriting process for the new STATIC-X album),Eisen said, "I would do another album with them, if the timing was right, but as far as it goes: I could not do their tour for the album because it came at the same time as writing and preparing for the next STATIC-X album. Main bands take precedence over side projects. But I am very proud of the MURDERDOLLS CD and the band that I put together for the album and tour."