STEVEN ADLER Talks About European Tour: 'I Kicked Ass And Had A Great Time'
March 7, 2006Former GUNS N' ROSES and current ADLER'S APPETITE drummer Steven Adler recently answered several a few questions for his official fan site, StevenAdler.net. An excerpt from the chat follows:
Q: How was the tour that you just came back from?
Steve: "Dude, it was great. I did something like 25 shows; Germany, Italy, Spain, England - dude, you gotta see my hand. I gotta have an operation on my hand!"
Q: What happened?
Steve: "It got caught! This guy closed the door on me, the sliding door on a van. I did so many shows with it, so painful you wouldn't believe!"
Q: So dude, that's answers part of the controversies…
Steve: "Dude, I was doin' great! I wasn't doin' nuthin'! Drinkin' my Jaeger, puffin' my bud! Honest dude, you know I'd tell you!"
Q: Well what about the whole band thing?
Steve: "Dude, it was so important for this whole thing to go fucking off smoothly. And it did. I did fifteen shows in England, almost in a row. I kicked ass and had a great time, made a new DVD, and I did it. I wanted Keri back, but I never called him up and said anything to him."
Q: But, I mean, these guys were your bros, and you kinda….
Steve: "I told them, I said 'I don't want to get rid of you! I don't want to throw you away! I love ya! I want to work with you! I just have to try to do this!' I had to prove myself! That South America shit? Dude, I got that band together in five fuckin' days! I did it! I didn't cancel, I proved myself. Everytime I've gone to Europe it ended up costing me eight to ten thousand dollars! I didn't make dick there!"
Q: Right, but wouldn't it be better to think about that before you go?
Steve: "Dude, I did think about it, I thought it was going to be different!"
Q: Well, you know what people were thinkin', that this guy Adam Bomb came along and fucked things up…
Steve: "Oh, Jesus Christ! The only thing he said to me, made me feel, that I could do this thing on my own. It was good and it was bad and it was ugly. I learned a lot, but still I got fucked over. The first night I played with him, we did well, and I thought, 'Cool, maybe this is want I need.' I mean, I hope, that I can still work with Sheldon and the guys sometime. But I know they're pissed. I...fuck.... with the other guys, Robbie and them, they were wanting to cancel the shows in South America that time, and I said 'No way!' I just had to prove that I could do it on my own. I did it, I pulled it off."
Q: But like Chip, he was your bro…
Steve: "Dude, he still is! He called me last night! We're gonna be doing some recording and shit! Look, I'm just so tired, and my hand… Dude, you know me."
Q: Well, did you tell them, over a single night, that "Adam Bomb is the new manager, if you don't like it you can leave?"
Steve: "You gotta understand, please, everybody would go home making money. What happened was, I got ripped off again. Being with Adam, I learned more business."
Q: Well, what would you say to the guys, Sheldon and them?
Steve: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I never wanted to get rid of you. It was ugly and I'm sorry."
Read the entire interview at StevenAdler.net.