THE ATOMIC BITCHWAX: 'So Come On' Video Posted Online

December 31, 2006

According to, New Jersey-based stoner rockers THE ATOMIC BITCHWAX have finished filming a video for the song "So Come On", taken from the group's "Boxriff" CD. The clip was shot in the Mohave desert "on the side of the road" on the way to the group's Albuquerque show. "We got real high and pulled all the gear out," the band says. "[We] spent about an hour with six or seven takes at different angles.

"Yeah, I know it's a bit passe for a band like ours to film there, so just keep in mind we all live in N.J. and it looks like Mars to us.

"It's a little loose 'cause we cranked the music through the van stereo which wasn't loud enough and Finn [Ryan, guitar/vocals] is clearly hung over and never really moves, but in the end it came out pretty cool looking."

Check out the video at

THE ATOMIC BITCHWAX's fourth full-length overall, 2006's "Boxriff" contains four new studio tracks — produced by Jack Endino — combined with a 13-track live set, recorded at Seattle's Sunset Tavern a year prior.

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