THEOCRACY: New Christmas Single Posted Online

December 9, 2012

"Wynter Fever", the new Christmas single from the Athens, Georgia-based melodic metal band THEOCRACY, can be streamed in the YouTube clip below. The track will also be made available at iTunes during the coming week.

Commented THEOCRACY vocalist Matt Smith: "After being trapped in the studio working on the upcoming remix of the first THEOCRACY album, we were itching to record a little something new as a break from working on the old songs. Since Christmas was coming up and we had a little spare time this year, it seemed like the perfect chance to deliver an epic slab of fun holiday silliness for you all. Enjoy!"

THEOCRACY's latest album, "As The World Bleeds", was released in November 2011 via Ulterium Records (Europe) and Nightmare Records (North America).

THEOCRACY's debut CD, which was originally issued through Metal Ages Records in 2003, will be re-released through Ulterium Records. Smith stated the reissue: "We went through a lot of discussion about how much we wanted to rework it: Do we re-record the whole thing with the new lineup? Do we just release it as is? There were a lot of ways we could go, but ultimately we decided that people love that album and it's a snapshot in time, so we didn't want to completely redo something people are attached to. We'd rather present the best-sounding version we can of what's already there, with one change that seemingly everyone wants to hear: real drums! Shawn's [Benson] [recorded] drums to the tracks that are already there, and then I'm going to remix it, so it should be killer."

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