VED BUENS ENDE Mainman: 'We Are Back In All Senses Of The Word'

September 28, 2006

Guitarist/vocalist Carl-Michael "Czral" Eide (AURA NOIR, CADAVER, DØDHEIMSGARD) of the reunited VED BUENS ENDE (Norwegian for "At the End of the Rainbow") — the Norwegian avant-garde metal band who split up in 1997 after after releasing only one full-length album (1995's "Written in Waters") through Misanthropy Records — has issued the following update:

"We're riding on a current. Back on track.

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for your support, and for your kind remarks on the rehearsal recordings of our new music.

"As you may or may not know, I've been in different hospitals and rehabilitation clinics for 18 months, until two months ago when I moved back home [Carl-Michael fell from a five-story building in Oslo, Norway on March 26, 2005 — Ed.].

"The injuries [to] my body [were] so severe. The kind of pain recovering from a fall from fifth floor makes you do your best to escape reality. It generates some clean thinking. I realised VED BUENS ENDE is one of the most important aspects of my life.

"I am now fully recovered from my accident. Through my convalescence, I decided that we had to reform our band. I suggested it to the other creative half of VBE, and we started writing songs right away.

"Vicotnik and myself have realised that VBE is in the core of our creativity.

"Together we exhumed our band.

"We are back in all senses of the word. We rehearse, we make music and we try to demonstrate that we're present again.

"Obviously I can't play drums now. I'm paralysed in my ankles and feet (luckily not from the waist). So I focus solely on guitar these days. It's nice to finally have only one instrument to entertain. Rather than practising two instruments (drums/guitar),playing them equally shabby, I play one instrument better.

"Einar Sjursø is with us now. Better known as Necrodevil. We call him EINARR!!! He was the obvious choice for a drummer. He plays fluent and eccentric. Just the way we want it.

"Initially, the lineup from my old band VIRUS; Einar, me and Plenum (bass),was gonna mutate into VBE (adding Vicotnik, of course). But circumstances forced Plenum to leave the band. He's one of Norway's best bass players (across all genres). We miss him... we wish him all the best for the future.

"The lineup is now me, Czral-Michael (guitar/song),Vicotnic (guitar, voice),Einar (drums). We're probably using Bjørn Boge (infamous Norwegian rock bass player) as a session member on the album and live performances in the future, but we dont know yet.

"Our former bass player, Hugh S. 'Scoll' J. Mingay, is the boss of a motoguzzi motorcycle repair shop these days. He simply hasnt got the time for VED BUENS ENDE. Not nice, but inevitable. He loves his bikes more than anything. I think he has three or four of them. If he wants to return, he's welcome."

New VED BUENS ENDE rehearsal recordings are available for streaming at the band's MySpace page.

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