Viking Metal Band HELHEIM Performs At Norwegian Kindergarten; Photos Available
April 21, 2008Norwegian Viking metal band HELHEIM celebrated the release of its brand new studio album, "Kaoskult", by performing at a public kindergarten earlier today (Monday, April 21)
The group reportedly played acoustic versions of two songs from the CD "Det Norrne Alter" and "Svart Seid" at Klosteret Barnehage. In addition, the band also told tales from Norse mythology, which has been of great inspiration for HELHEIM since the band was formed in 1992.
Check out photos at NRK Hordaland.
Elisabeth Alnes of Klosteret Barnehage previously stated about HELHEIM's appearance at the kindergarten, "Lots of people get this all wrong, and think metal and Satanism are two sides of the coin. These are great guys, and Norse mythology is a very important part of our cultural heritage."
To mark the release of "Kaoskult", HELHEIM has made a second song from the album available for free download.
"Kaoskult" is HELHEIM's sixth release, and its second on the Dark Essence label. The nine-track album presents a new maturity from the band, who have explored a more varied, and melodic side to their music. Written by guitarist Thorbjrn, with lyrics by Vgandr, "Kaoskult" was produced by Bjrnar Nilsen, who also contributes guest vocals.
HELHEIM debuted some of the new tracks during the band's recent tour with fellow Norwegians VULTURE INDUSTRIES and German black metallers DARK FORTRESS.
Commented drummer Hrymr: "The tour lineup was particularly interesting because none of the bands were from the same genre, and we were wondering a little how the new material would go down, not only with our own fans, who are used to a faster, more aggressive style of playing from us, but also from fans of the other bands, who were not necessarily into our brand of metal. We were selling the album in advance of release at the gigs, and if sales are anything to go by fans are liking the new directions we are taking. That's not to say we have abandoned the old HELHEIM sound, you will still find that, but we have developed and expanded you can't keep churning out the same thing over and over again, it gets boring for the band to play, and boring for the fans to listen to. From the reactions we have been receiving our fans were ready to progress with us, which is always satisfying to any band, and equally satisfying is the number of new fans who heard the material on the tour, and have joined the ranks so to speak!"
HELHEIM performing live March 2008:
(Thanks: Roy Hilmar Svendsen)