Virginia Tech Killer Named Play After GUNS N' ROSES Song 'Mr. Brownstone'

April 18, 2007

23-year-old Korean student Cho Seung-Hui, who has been identified as the gunman at the Virginia Tech University massacre, wrote a play which takes its name from the GUNS N' ROSES song "Mr. Brownstone" and tells of a crew of 17-year-olds who skip school to gamble at a casino and fantasize about killing their professor. The play apparently goes through the lyrics of the entire GN'R song, relating Mr. Brownstone to the teacher the main characters want to kill.

To read the entire play, go to AOL News.

Police say Cho killed at least 30 people and wounded 17 others before killing himself in Norris Hall, an engineering classroom building at Virginia Tech University, Monday.

It's also believed the student killed two other people earlier that day in a dormitory on campus.

(Thanks: Kent Plummer / John Carricaburu)

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