WAYLANDER Announce Lineup Changes, Continue Work On New Album
May 24, 2005Irish metallers WAYLANDER have posted the following message on their official web site:
"Well, as most of you will already have suspected, there is never a dull moment in the WAYLANDER camp, as yet again, we have had changes in personnel. Michael [Proctor, bass] [as expected] rejoined, and we attained the services of a second guitarist on a trial basis. We would like to take this opportunity to, once again, wholeheartedly thank Gaz Murdock for his invaluable services as our session bassist over the several months when he was needed.
"WAYLANDER and I took our first plunge into the turbulent seas that is organising tours, when we recently brought Latvian pagan metallers SKYFORGER to Ireland for a five-date Irish tour. WAYLANDER, to my shock and surprise, were actually ready to play live at these gigs which took place over the Bealtaine weekend. We managed to get on both the Derry and Belfast bills, with a few of us bashing out a few acoustic tunes at the end of tour folk session in Cork.
"A lot was learnt from the SKYFORGER experience which will aid us enormously in our future ventures, but perhaps the most important was the realisation that our session guitarist seemed amply capable of fulfilling the necessary requirements of a WAYLANDER member. So, after a brief consultation, we have decided to welcome Alan Connolly into the clan as our new guitarist. The fact that he can also play the tin-whistle to a high standard and can also play a bit of flute is most certainly an added bonus. WAYLANDER welcomes Alan into the clan.
"The new line-up are now engrossed in constructing the songs for the 'Honour Amongst Chaos' album. We aired two of these songs live at the recent shows and have decided to record these two songs in several weeks time for use as a promotional CD. The songs in question are 'Galloping Gaels' and 'Walk with Honour'.
"WAYLANDER's next live performance will be at Day of Darkness metalfest, which takes place in Ballylinan, Co. Laois, on Saturday July 9th and features: ROTTING CHRIST, DESASTER, MOURNING BELOVETH and many more. This is one of the events of the Irish metal calendar. Miss it at your peril.
"The bonus material for the re-release of 'Reawakening Pride Once Lost' has been decided upon. Due to time constraints it has been decided that the extra will be myself being interviewed by John of Midhir Records [who is releasing this]. This will hopefully hit the streets in July.
"There are some interesting discussions going on at the moment concerning labels, licensing deals and potential tours. There will hopefully be something a little more solid to announce in the Solstice update."