June 9, 2004

ABSU/MELECHESH drummer/vocalist Proscriptor (a.k.a Russ R. Givens) is launching a unique and revolutionary label, Tarot Productions, this summer. "My objective is to furnish the underground communities with high quality releases, the first of which will be my solo project titled PROSCRIPTOR'S 'THOTH MUSIC(K)' limited to 500 vinyl Eps," he says. "Rare and limited releases from ABSU, EQUIMANTHORN, HEAVEN’S DEVILS, EQUITANT, DIVINE EVE and STARCHASER NETWORK are in the works, including MORBID SCREAM, which had a vast influence on my principle band, ABSU. Plans are already afoot to release collectible LP and CD releases from these mentioned bands, as we are actively seeking old and new bands to sign up on Tarot Productions. We have our headquarters in Texas and are opening an office in Sweden by the autumn of 2004." Tarot Productions is also the official merchant for the Canadian drum company Ayotte Drums in the state of Texas.

For more information, click here (PDF file).

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