ANTROPOMORPHIA: New Album Details Revealed

September 18, 2012

Dutch death metallers ANTROPOMORPHIA filmed a video for the new song "Psuchagogia" last week in Leizpig, Germany. The clip was directed by renowned video producer Maurice Swinkels.

Comments ANTROPOMORPHIA singer/guitarist Ferry Damen: "We talked about recording a video for 'Psuchagögia' a few months ago and decided to bring in Maurice Swinkels from Younique Film for the visual awakening of this track. I told Maurice some of the ideas I had regarding the 'storyline,' and he came up with a great location in the eastern part of Germany, which turned out to be perfect for documenting this somewhat disturbingly and dark tale. We shot the video on September 8th and during the shoot we seriously got beneath the horrid surface of the tale we wanted to tell. It's our first ever video and I can say that we are thrilled about the way it turned out!"

"Psuchagogia" comes off ANTROPOMORPHIA's new album, "Evangelivm Nekromantia", which will be released October 22 via Metal Blade Records.


Ferry Damen (vocals, guitar)
Marc van Stiphout (bass)
Marco Stubbe (drums)

"Evangelivm Nekromantia" track listing:

01. Intro
02. Nekrophilian Mass
03. The Mourned And The Macabre
04. Debauchery In Putrefaction
05. Anointment By Sin
06. Fleisch
07. Impure Desecration
08. Psuchagogia
09. Nekrosophia
10. Evangelivm Nekromantia

ANTROPOMORPHIA was created under the influence from bands such as HELLHAMMER, CELTIC FROST, INFERNÄL MÄJESTY and BATHORY in a tiny town in Holland in 1989.

Over the years, they became more and more brutal, released several demos and the "Necromantic Love Songs" MCD in 1993, but went on a hiatus in the late '90s since their other bands became more important.

Fast forward to 2009 when other projects moved into the background and ANTROPOMORPHIA was reactivated. The lineup is still the same — original members Ferry Damen (vocals, guitar),Marc van Stiphout (bass) and Marco Stubbe (drums).

In early 2011 ANTROPOMORPHIA made its first live appearance since 2001 at the Neurotic Deathfest, where they put up a convincing brutal show.

At the end of 2011, most of the new album was recorded, resulting in "Evangelivm Nekromantia", a CD consisting of nine tracks, divided into three chapters of each three songs. Lyrically, it is driven by nekrophilae, murder, necromancy and necrolesbian lust. It was mastered at Necromorbus Studios by Tore Stjerna.

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