December 21, 2012

Charleston, West Virginia's ARISE AS KINGS has changed its name to LEFT BEHIND. In addition, the band has signed with We Are Triumphant and was picked up to join the AAP Booking roster.

LEFT BEHIND has made its new single, "Haunted", available for free download. Another single, "No Forgiveness", will be released later this month, featuring Jordan Bradley (aka Bone) from EMBRACER, to be followed by LEFT BEHIND's first EP, which is being produced by Brette Ciamarra at Studio 344.

The band had this to say about the name change: "We have a few reasons for this change. First of all, we have grown so much and matured a great deal in the past year and a half of being a band, to the point where ARISE AS KINGS no longer fits our music, our mindset, or us anymore. We also wanted a fresh, brand new start. A new chapter of our music and of our lives."

Hailing from Charleston, West Virginia, LEFT BEHIND is comprised of Anthony "Peppy" Olick, Zak Rea, Bryan Rea, Cade Lewis, and Jordan Lorea. Formed in 2012, the band effortlessly blends the harsh style of East Coast hardcore with the raw power of Midwest metalcore and nĂ¼ metal along with multiple other influences, creating an incredible sound unlike anything else out there.

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