AS I LAY DYING To Guest On MusiquePlus' 'Plus Su Commande'

May 6, 2008

Tim Lambesis (vocals) and Jordan Mancino (drums) from San Diego's AS I LAY DYING will make a live appearance on "Plus Su Commande" at MusiquePlus in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on Friday, May 16 between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. EST. This is in support of the band's sold-out Canadian tour, which started on the West Coast in Vancouver, British Columbia last week and will finish up in Quebec City, Quebec on May 17.

Do you live in Montreal or are you going to the Montreal show on May 16 at Medley and want to attend the live taping? Please send an e-mail to to reserve your seat today.

E.S Day of Abort Magazine recently conducted an interview with Tim Lambesis.

Download the podcast containing the chat at this location (MP3 file, 8 MB).

AS I LAY DYING received a Grammy nomination in the "Best Metal Performance" category for "Nothing Left", the first single from the band's newest release, "An Ocean Between Us".

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