ATREYU: Pre-Album-Release Activities Detailed

October 21, 2009

Just in time for Halloween, Orange County hard rock veterans ATREYU have teamed up with video game creator Jason Oda ("Dropkick the Faint") for the first-person shooter "Metalhead Zombies", which fans can play on the band's MySpace page.

Biting a fleshy chunk from "Night of the Living Dead" and "Resident Evil", "Metalhead Zombies" arms gamers with a firearm, then sends them out into a barren wasteland filled with lumbering zombies looking for lunch. Splatter enough of the undead and advance to the next level. But beware. You'll run out of ammo if you don't stop at the beams of light to buy new weapons and reload. The soundtrack for the "Metalhead Zombies" features "Stop! Before It's Too Lateā€¦", first single "Storm to Pass", and it marks the debut of a new song, "Gallows", the hard-hitting and intensely personal song from lead singer Alex Varkatzas. There's one catch, only the blood-soaked survivors that reach level six will have a chance to feast their ears on the new track.

After slaying a few zombies, fans can catch up with ATREYU during an exclusive October 21 webcast on ATREYU's MySpace. The band will answer questions from fans submitted through a chat window on the web page and will play a song from "Congregation Of The Damned". The broadcast will take place at the band's soundcheck at the Verizon Wireless Theatre in Houston, Texas.

In support of "Congregation Of The Damned", ATREYU shot a series of webisodes documenting not only their thoughts on the new record, but also looking back at where the band's career has taken them over the course of the last 10 years. The fifth webisode was released on Tuesday, October 20.

On October 26, the day before the long-anticipated release of "Congregation Of The Damned", ATREYU will be the featured guest on the syndicated radio program "Rockline", which starts at 11:30 p.m. EST/ 8:30 p.m. PST.

To hear the show on the Web, go to and click on "listen live." The call-in number to ask the band a question live is 1-800-344-ROCK (7625).

In celebration of the release of the album on October 27, ATREYU will present a live webcast of their entire concert from The National in Richmond, Virginia. Before the show, cameras will follow ATREYU throughout the day, catching them on their tour bus, backstage before the show, and finally on stage for the concert.

ATREYU are on tour with HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD through November 21, playing their final show in Los Angeles.

The band will sign copies of "Congregation Of The Damned", which has been selected as the exclusive "Deal of The Day" on October 27, for fans that purchase the album the week of release at shows in Richmond, Virginia (October 27),New York City (October 29),Baltimore (October 30) and Philadelphia (October 31).

"Congregation Of The Damned", produced by Bob Marlette (OZZY OSBOURNE),mixed by Rich Costey (THE MARS VOLTA, SYSTEM OF A DOWN, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE) with select tracks mixed by Noah Shain (ENDLESS HALLWAY, SONNY),is the follow-up to 2007's "Lead Sails Paper Anchor", which was fueled by the Top 5 Active Rock hit "Becoming The Bull" and the #2-charting Alternative Rock hit "Falling Down".

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