Audio Sample Of AXL ROSE's Pre-GUNS N' ROSES Recordings With RAPIDFIRE Posted On YouTube
May 28, 2013An audio sample of the song "Ready To Rumble" recorded by Axl Rose' pre-GUNS N' ROSES band RAPIDFIRE can be streamed in the YouTube clip below (uploaded by former RAPIDFIRE guitarist Kevin Lawrence).
The RAPIDFIRE tapes, which were purportedly recorded in May 1983, have been in storage in the original eight-track format for almost 30 years. The songs featured on the tape are as follows:
01. Ready To Rumble
02. All Night Long
03. The Prowler
04. On the Run
05. Closure
RAPIDFIRE's lineup was as follows:
Axl Rose - Vocals
Kevin Lawrence - Guitar
Mike Hammernik - Bass
Chuck Gordon – Drums
According to Lawrence, Axl's voice on the RAPIDFIRE recording sounds a bit "more Rob Halford"-ish compared to his vocals on "Appetite for Destruction".
For more information, visit Rapidfire1983.com.