AVENGED SEVENFOLD Teams Up With Racing Game 'Asphalt Legends Unite'

January 15, 2025

AVENGED SEVENFOLD makes its glorious debut in the arcade racing game series Asphalt Legends Unite. Rock out to music from across the band's discography, and snag time-limited collectibles starting today (Wednesday, January 15).

AVENGED SEVENFOLD said: "We are excited to team up with the iconic racing game, Asphalt Legends Unite. You can speed through intense arcade races, perform stunts, and unlock bespoke decals inspired by our discography."

Building on the monumental global success of the Asphalt racing franchise, Asphalt Legends Unite takes players global with the series' first-ever inclusion of cross-platform support. This brings to the game massive opportunities for both casual multiplayer and esports competition. Along with global competitions, platform-specific tournaments, and the return of live stage finals, the addition of cross-play means every Asphalt Legends Unite racer will have almost limitless competition at their fingertips.

In addition to the classic Career mode that guides players through the basics of the Asphalt Legends Unite experience, the game includes other exciting modes and features such as the 20-player Grand Prix and the bi-annual month-long narrative-focused Drive Syndicate set in a seedy, criminal underworld. Team Pursuit, a mode completely new to the series, takes Asphalt multiplayer to new levels with asymmetric, real-time, team-based races where 5 Syndicate players must coordinate to escape 3 Security pursuers. While the Syndicate players must elude capture, Security drivers are tasked with taking down a total of 5 Syndicate racers to claim victory. Whether playing aggressively or conservatively, using teammates as bait, or simply trying to use speed to win, Team Pursuit opens up many strategic and competitive possibilities.

Players that prefer to race with their crew can now create their own lobbies via a private room system where they can invite players within their friend list. The host player can set a number of race parameters, including the track, car class, racing mode, number of laps, and more. The private lobby feature also supports spectators, allowing non-racers to watch the action and opening up new customization options for esports competitions.

Besides new modes and other features, Asphalt Legends Unite also contains plenty of changes under the hood, including an upgraded game engine and improved dynamic lighting to add extra levels of realism to every single race. In addition, player garages have received a visual overhaul that results in a more modern leaning aesthetic and a much-requested garage level cap increase. Players will also notice significant user interface improvements with UI focused around smoother navigation, more intuitive layouts, and improved accessibility for players using controllers.

Asphalt Legends Unite is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Store, Steam, App Store, Google Play, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch.

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