Black Metal Artwork Exhibition To Be Held During Norway's INFERNO Festival
March 26, 2010Trine + Kim Design Studio has been creating album artwork since 1999, and during this year's Inferno festival in Oslo, Norway it will exhibiting a selection of its designs for black metal and neo-black metal artists, including cover art for MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE, ULVER, DØDHEIMSGARD, IHSAHN, SHINING, SOLEFALD, ARCTURUS, VED BUENS ENDE, MANES and VIRUS. The pieces are displayed in large format, mounted on wooden boards, and are for sale in extremely limited editions. Also available for purchase is Trine + Kim's book "Decade", celebrating the studio's first 10 years of making art together. This self-published book is limited to 150 copies worldwide, and presents an eclectic selection of their work for both the above-mentioned artists and many others, enclosed in a silver debossed hardback cover.
After searching the darkest corners of Oslo for a suitable location for the exhibition, they finally settled on the former location of the legendary record shop Helvete, known for its pivotal role in the earliest ages of Norwegian black metal.
** What: Metal-themed art exhibition
** When: March 31 to April 4. 12 a.m. to 6 p.m. / Kl. 12.00 til kl. 18.00
** Where: Schweigaardsgate 56, former location of Helvete.
** How: Take bus 37 (eastbound) from downtown (Oslo City) to Oslo gate. The bus stop is right outside of the exhibition space. Travel time is 10 minutes or less.
For more information, visit www.trineogkim.no.
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