BLACK SABBATH Drummer: I Have Nothing To Do With BUSH/HITLER Video

July 20, 2004

BLACK SABBATH drummer Bill Ward has issued a statement distancing himself from the video portrait comparing President Bush to Adolf Hitler that is being used as part of the band's stage act.

SABBATH are opening their Ozzfest 2004 gigs with the song "War Pigs", featuring a video of Bush and Hitler on the same screen, with the caption: "Same shit different asshole." Footage of bombs dropping and Hitler marching is also being shown as part of the montage. SABBATH also flash a picture of Bush with a clown nose, along with the caption "The White House Circus."

In a statement posted at, Ward writes: "When BLACK SABBATH open their show with 'War Pigs', it has been brought to my attention that the wide screen portrays President George W. Bush with a clown nose appearing with past war mongers, including Adolf Hitler. I wish to say this video structure does not represent my personal views towards President Bush. This video was made without my prior knowledge or consent."

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