BLOODLUST V Photos Posted Online
July 11, 2005PyroMusic.net has posted over 200 images taken this past weekend's Bloodlust V festival, which took place at Blacktown RSL in Sydney, Australia. The show ran from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. the following morning and featured 17 of Australia's best extreme bands, including DENOUNCEMENT PYRE, CAULDRON BLACK RAM, RAVEN BLACK NIGHT, REV. KRISS HADES, GOSPEL OF THE HORNS, DAWN OF AZAZEL, GRENADE, POD PEOPLE, DESTRUKTOR, STONE WINGS, CARBON, INTENSE HAMMER RAGE, KILL FOR SATAN, M.S.I., LYCANTHIA, CHAOTIC IMPURITY and BACKYARD MORTUARY. The images can be viewed in PyroMusic's online gallery or downloaded in a convenient ZIP pack from the same page.