BORIS: Video Interview With ATSUO Posted Online

March 15, 2008

Drummer/vocalist Atsuo of Japanese cult band BORIS recently chatted with about the band's writing process, collaborating with SUNN O))), and the group's upcoming plans.

A couple of days before BORIS' recent New York City gig, the crew tracked down Atsuo at his hotel on the Upper West Side for a brief interview. The man was soft-spoken, very well-dressed, and extremely polite.

"There's a communal experience at our shows and I really enjoy that," said Atsuo, "I look forward to that in the future and I want people to come out and see us play and have that experience together."

Watch the whole interview below.

BORIS will release its new album, "Smile", on April 29 via Southern Lord Recordings. The follow-up to 2005's "Pink" features contributions from previous collaborators such as Michio Kurihara and SUNN O)))'s Stephen O'Malley.

"Smile" is the second BORIS album to feature vocals on every track (the first, excluding any one-track albums, was "Amplifier Worship"). Also, it delves more into experimental tendencies with a more manipulated sound and even experiments with samples.

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