CAMP FREDDY Releases More Information About 'Employee Of The Month' Contribution

July 25, 2006

CAMP FREDDY — the Los Angeles-based "jam" group featuring guitarists Dave Navarro (ex-JANE'S ADDICTION, RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS) and Billy Morrison (ex-THE CULT bassist, current CIRCUS DIABLO vocalist) alongside VELVET REVOLVER members Matt Sorum (drums) and Scott Weiland (vocals) — has revealed more information about their contribution to the upcoming movie "Employee of the Month", starring Dax Shepard ("Punk'd"). According to Morrison, "We have finished three tracks, of which two will make the movie and the soundtrack album. One is CHEAP TRICK's 'Surrender', and the other is a choice between '20th Century Boy' [MARC BOLAN] and 'The Jean Genie' [DAVID BOWIE]. The tracks came out really well."

CAMP FREDDY has been in and out of the recording studio over the past couple of years recording what is expected to eventually be released as the band's debut album. Among the cuts that are set to appear on the effort are "20th Century Boy" (also featuring Steve Jones from THE SEX PISTOLS on lead guitar) and THIN LIZZY's "Jailbreak" (featuring ALICE IN CHAINS guitarist Jerry Cantrell on vocals and Billy Duffy [ex-THE CULT] on lead guitar). Other guest musicians include RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS drummer Chad Smith and singer Macy Gray.

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