CARLOS SANTANA Postpones Las Vegas Residency After Breaking Finger In Accidental Fall

January 3, 2025

Legendary guitarist Carlos Santana has postponed the next run of his Las Vegas residency shows because of a "accidental fall" at his home in Hawaii.

Santana was slated to kick off his residency at the House of Blues At Mandalay Bay Resort And Casino on January 22. He was scheduled to play eight shows at the venue through February 2.

Earlier today, Michael Vrionis, president of Universal Tone Management, said in a statement: "I am sorry to say that Carlos was out taking a walk at his vacation home in Kauai. He took a hard fall, and he broke his little finger on his left hand. He had to have pins inserted in the finger. Unfortunately, he won't be able to play guitar for approximately six weeks. Doctors do say that he will recuperate fully."

"Carlos is doing well and is anxious to be back on stage soon. He just needs to heal," Vrionis added. "Santana profoundly regrets these postponements of his upcoming performances, but accidents happen, and his health is our number one concern. He is looking forward to seeing all of his fans very soon."

For more than five decades — from Santana's earliest days as a groundbreaking Afro-Latin-blues-rock fusion outfit in San Francisco — Carlos Santana has been the visionary force behind artistry that transcends musical genres and generational, cultural, and geographical boundaries. To date, Santana has won ten Grammy Awards and three Latin Grammy Awards, with a record-tying nine Grammy Awards for a single project for 1999's "Supernatural" (including "Album Of The Year" and "Record Of The Year" for "Smooth"). He has received the Billboard Century Award (1996),was ushered into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame (1998),received the Billboard Latin Music Awards' Lifetime Achievement honor (2009),and was the recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors Award (2013). Among many other distinctions, Carlos Santana has been cited by Rolling Stone as No. 11 on their list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists Of All Time"; and has joined THE ROLLING STONES as one of only two bands to have an album reach the Top 10 in every decade since the 1960s. In 2018, he released his first "MasterClass", and celebrated two epic milestones, the 50th anniversary of his legendary performance at Woodstock, and the 50th anniversary of his masterpiece "Abraxas".

In 2024, Santana celebrated the 25th anniversary of his groundbreaking album "Supernatural". Santana's most recent release, "Let The Guitar Play" (feat. Darryl "DMC" McDaniels),followed on the heels of his powerful, energy-infused "Blessings And Miracles" (2021) that featured collaborations with Rob Thomas, Chris Stapleton, Steve Winwood and many others. The epic feature documentary "Carlos", produced by Sony Music Entertainment and Imagine Documentaries, is a celebration of Carlos Santana's life and career. It had its world premiere at the 2023 Tribeca Film Festival and is now available to stream worldwide. Santana has been in residency in Las Vegas for over 15 years.

From Team Santana: Legendary guitarist Carlos Santana has postponed the next run of residency shows this month beginning...

Posted by Carlos Santana on Friday, January 3, 2025

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