CARPATHIAN FOREST Frontman Speaks Out About His Past And Band's Future

October 18, 2012

It can't have escaped the attention of any keen fan or observer of the black metal scene that, following a few years of relative inactivity, iconic Norwegians CARPATHIAN FOREST have this year once again begun performing live and have already announced some festival appearances for 2013.

Rumors as to why the band had gone to ground, and indeed, if there was even any band left at all, have been rife. Now, however, an official statement issued by founder Nattefrost, has succinctly made clear the reasons for CARPATHIAN FOREST's absence from the scene and has once and for all laid to rest any speculation about the band's future. Quoting the title of the band's fifth album, the frontman candidly stated: "I have more or less been off the road and caught in a downward spiral for nearly a decade. Now clean and rehabilitated, I have been living in Telemark for more than a year — a family man and father. And once again I am working on music. Communication and chemistry within CARPATHIAN FOREST have never been better so 'Fuck You All!!!'"

The lineup, which remains unchanged from when the band was active, consists of of Nattefrost on vocals, Tchort and BloodPervertor on guitars, Vrangsinn on bass and Kobro on drums, and the members have been regularly rehearsing together not just for the live appearances, but also in preparation for recording new material, of which there is plenty, according to Nattefrost. The band has also just signed with the U.K.-based Mythology Agency for all European appearances, and anyone wishing to book the band should contact Booking outside of Europe will continue to be handled by the band's management for the time being, and enquiries should be sent to

Confirmed festival appearances for 2013 for CARPATHIAN FOREST include the Ragnarok, Kings Of Black Metal, Party.San and Throne Fest, as well as the Maryland Deathfest, which will be band's first-ever show in the USA. Further live announcements are expected shortly.

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