CATTLE DECAPITATION: Uncensored 'To Serve Man' Video Posted Online

October 31, 2004

San Diego extreme metallers CATTLE DECAPITATION have uploaded an "uncensored" version of their "To Serve Man" video to their official web site. "This is the version they don't show on TV," the band write on the site. Download it at this location.

"To Serve Man" is the title cut of the band's 2002 album, which was the group's first release for Metal Blade Records. The band have since issued a follow-up effort, "Humanure" through the same label.

Recorded with producer Bill Metoyer (SLAYER, W.A.S.P., SIX FEET UNDER),"Humanure" marks the recording debut with the group of drummer Michael Laughlin. The band parted ways with drummer David Astor in May of 2003 due to his inability to live up to the obligations of touring and regular necessities of the band.

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