CHROME DIVISION: 'Booze, Broads And Beelzebub' E-Card Available

June 25, 2008

An e-card for "Booze, Broads And Beelzebub", the sophomore album from CHROME DIVISION, the Norwegian five-piece featuring DIMMU BORGIR frontman Shagrath (a.k.a. Stian Thoresen),can be accessed at this location.

"Booze, Broads And Beelzebub" will be released on July 18 in Europe and August 19 in North America via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD's title cut is now available for streaming on the band's MySpace page.

The follow-up to 2006's "Doomsday Rock 'n' Roll", "Booze, Broads And Beelzebub" was recorded at Studio Fredman in Sweden during January 2008 and contains a dozen or so tracks, including a cover of a classic ZZ TOP tune. The material is described by the band as "a bit more varied than on 'Doomsday Rock 'n Roll'. A bit more metal, more fast stuff, but still the basics in filthy rock 'n' roll."

"Booze, Broads And Beelzebub" track listing:

01. The Second Coming (Intro)
02. Booze, Broads and Beelzebub
03. Wine Of Sin
04. Raven Black Cadillac
05. Life Of A Fighter
06. The Devil Walks Proud
07. Hate This Town
08. The Boys From The East
09. Doomsday Riders
10. Lets Hear It
11. Sharp Dressed Man
12. Bad Broad (Good Girl Gone Bad)
13. Raise Your Flag

"Doomsday Rock 'n' Roll" landed on the Norwegian album chart at position No. 31 back in 2006. The disc was recorded in Oslo, Norway, last winter and contains a musical direction described by the band as "stripped down groovy rock 'n' roll with a primitive attitude."

CHROME DIVISION shot a video for the "Doomsday Rock 'n' Roll" track "Serial Killer" in Gothenburg, Sweden with director Patric Ullaeus (IN FLAMES, DIMMU BORGIR, LACUNA COIL, SOILWORK). Watch the clip below.


Shagrath - Guitar
Luna - Bass
Eddie Guz - Vocals
Ricky Doom - Guitar
Tony White - Drums

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