CKY's DERON MILLER Speaks Out On Upcoming DEATH Tribute: 'This Is The Real Deal'

February 6, 2004

CKY guitarist/vocalist Deron Miller is widely credited for conceiving the upcoming DEATH tribute project, "Within The Mind - In Homage To The Musical Legacy Of Chuck Schuldiner", as a means to help guitarist James Murphy (ex-TESTAMENT, DEATH, OBITUARY) raise money for his medical bills (Murphy is currently receiving treatment for a massive brain tumor with which he was diagnosed in August 2001).

The project, which has the blessing of the family of late DEATH mastermind Chuck Schuldiner (who passed away in December 2001 after a battle with pontine glioma, a rare type of brain tumor),is expected to feature a number of special guest appearances, including those by Miller, Murphy, Dave Culross (MALEVOLENT CREATION, ex-SUFFOCATION),Mikael Thomson (SLIPKNOT),Paul Gray (SLIPKNOT),Brett Hoffmann (ex-MALEVOLENT CREATION),Ross Dolan (IMMOLATION),Mike Chlasciak (PAINMUSEUM, ex-HALFORD),and Terry Butler (SIX FEET UNDER, ex-DEATH, MASSACRE). Other musicians that are interested in participating (if their touring and/or recording schedules allow) include Peter TÃĪgtgren (HYPOCRISY, PAIN),Chuck Billy (TESTAMENT),Eric Peterson (TESTAMENT, DRAGONLORD),Luc Lemay (GORGUTS),Andy LaRocque (KING DIAMOND),Richard Christy (ICED EARTH, ex-DEATH, CONTROL DENIED),Rya and Chad of MUDVAYNE, Patrick Mameli (ex-PESTILENCE),and Jean-Francois Degenais (KATAKLYSM).

According to Murphy, "The track selection will span DEATH's career from 'Scream Bloody Gore' to 'Symbolic', the thought being that the 'Sound of Perseverance' songs are too recent to consider for a tribute CD." A June release through Holland's Mascot Records is expected.

Speaking exclusively to BLABBERMOUTH.NET, Miller explained his reasons for launching the project: "I never got to meet Chuck Schuldiner," Deron said. "He never knew I existed, and that will bother me for the rest of my life because I was one of his biggest fans and supporters. [DEATH's] 'Spiritual Healing' changed my life forever when it came out in early 1990. It was way ahead of its time...and still is...and from there I went on to learn every note, word, and solo on every DEATH record by heart. After living through the horror of Chuck's last days and hearing of the Schuldiners' financial misfortune...topped with James Murphy's illness and financial struggle, a tribute to Chuck and the music of DEATH became an imperative no-brainer. Rest assured: this project will be nothing less than top-notch, and of usual, naysayers will be proven wrong. This is the real deal."

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