March 28, 2003

COLD have been confirmed for the second and third legs of this year's Lollapalooza tour. Exact cities and venues have yet to be announced. In other news, the band will be supported by FINGER ELEVEN on their headlining U.S. shows and will be teaming up with STAIND and LO-PRO for a spring run of dates.

Also on the COLD front, singer Scooter Ward recently posted a message to the group's official message board explaining the reasoning behind the delay in the release of the group's new album, "Year of the Spider".

"The release date for 'Year Of The Spider' was moved to May 13 [from the originally announced April 29] to give us a little more set up time for the record. I apologize for extending [the fans'] wait. Geffen Records ([president] Jordan Schur) is behind us in our decision. I have read some post in the past saying 'Fuck Geffen Records' and that they don't know how to promote COLD. Jordan has always believed in COLD and always stood by our side. If it wasn't for him, we would've lost our [record] contract along time ago due to record sales. So when I read post like this it kinda bothers me. Everything that happens with COLD is not only Geffen's decisions but ours, too. With that said, I hope to see you all soon on tour..."

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