COMPOS MENTIS: New Song Posted Online

December 3, 2008

Danish death metallers COMPOS MENTIS have uploaded a new song, "Arusia", from their forthcoming album "Our Kingdom of Decay", on the band's MySpace page.

Commented the group: "With its straightforward riffing, catchy chorus and energetic character the song displays some of the new elements that are incoporated in the music on 'Our Kingdom of Decay'. However, there will also both be way faster and more brutal songs as well as slower and more atmospheric hymns on the album.

"On the surface, the 'Arusia' lyric is about our home town, Aarhus, which is reflected in the fact that the melody from the town hall bells is included in the music, but themes such as alienation and conflicts between the individual and the community are also present."

COMPOS MENTIS' second album, "Gehennesis", was released in March 2007 via Mighty Music. The band has since parted ways with the label.

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