CONQUEST OF STEEL: 'The Prophecy' Video Released

September 21, 2009

"The Prophecy", the new video from U.K. heavy metal warriors CONQUEST OF STEEL, can be viewed below. The song comes off the band's third album, "Storm Sword (Rise of the Dread Queen)", which was released in March.

"Storm Sword (Rise of the Dread Queen)" is a concept effort which charts the rise and fall of an empire. Recording took place once again at Priory and Red Flag Studios.

"Storm Sword (Rise of the Dread Queen)" track listing:

01. Conquest through Fire & Steel
02. The Prophecy
03. Scourge of the Land
04. Lamentations of the Women
05. A People Betrayed
06. An Unholy Union (Enter the Swan)
07. The Smile of the Hanging Man
08. Spirit of War
09. Jocasta Rises
10. Even the Gods may be Overthrown
11. Raise Your Fist
12. Lament of the Steel
13. An Empress is Born

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