CORNERSTONE: New MP3 Samples Posted Online

September 29, 2003

Three short soundclips from the forthcoming CORNERSTONE album, "Once Upon Our Yesterdays", have been posted online in MP3 format at this location. The tracks available for preview are "Once Upon Our Yesterdays", "When the Hammer Falls", and "Welcome to Forever".

CORNERSTONE, the project featuring ROYAL HUNT bassist Steen Mogensen and ex-RAINBOW/current YNGWIE MALMSTEEN vocalist Doogie White, will release their third album, "Once Upon Our Yesterdays", on November 3 through Massacre Records.

The complete track listing for the CD is as follows:

01. When the Hammer Falls
02. Hour of Doom
03. Once Upon Our Yesterdays
04. Scream
05. Passion to Warfare
06. End of the World
07. Some Have Dreams
08. Welcome to Forever
09. Man Without Reason
10. 21st Century Man

Joining White and Mogensen on the new album are returning members Kasper Damgaard on guitar and Allen Sorensen on drums. Guesting on keyboards are Rune Brink and ROYAL HUNT's Andre Andersen.

Says Doogie, "We are all really pleased with the album and feel sure that the fans who so enjoyed 'Human Stain' will revel in this new one. It is very classy and unlike anything I've heard recently. We are continuing to update that 'classic rock' sound, both in writing and production. We never felt any pressure to compete with the last album and just buried ourselves in making an album that is as dramatic as it is edgy. There is a great depth and soul to the album. I am more proud of this than any other album I have ever worked on. Kasper has been awesome, and if this album doesn't make him the new guitar hero on the block then there is no justice."

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